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THE POWER OF INTERDEPENDENCE COMDDAP is an association of the country's top information technolgy businesses. Its primary objective is to promote the sustainable development of the of the country's information technology industry through voluntary collaboration of its member companies. It is the goal of COMDDAP to be able to provide its members general views and updates from different sectors - private and government, and highly regarded individuals to further uplift the morale and knowledge of its organization.
The vision of promoting and elevating the standards of Information technology (IT) in the Philippines fueled a group of prominent computer companies to form the Computer Distributors and Dealers Association of the Philippines or COMDDAP. Its initial member-companies represent the world's leading makers and providers of computer products, solutions and peripherals.
In 1997, the manufacturing sector - represented by industry leaders Hewlett Packard, Epson and Compaq, among others - was integrated into the COMDDAP membership, making the association a more diverse representation of the IT sector and thus the new name, COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES.
Learning and Reflection
Before we attend the COMDDAP 2009 on July 2, 2009 at the Apo View Hotel we ensure that we already registered the 1:00-5:00 pm sessions. We arrived to the Apo View Hotel at exactly 12:30pm five minutes before the time so that we can prepare our self. We gather ourselves outside in the hotel and we go as a group. First thing we do we get a student sticker for us to recognize. As we enter the hotel's grand ballroom attaching our student stickers, the room were filled with the booths of different companies are there participating the events. We turn around the hotel's grand ballroom getting some flyers and promotion prints from the different companies. Some of our classmates take some picture and exploring the world of technology through this event. Some of the companies join in the event are well-known in terms of technological advancement. Some of well known companies are hp invent, red fox, Smart Bro, neo, dell, GH depot and etc. After these we proceed to the session hall of Apo View Hotel.
Before entering to the session hall, we find our name and sign in to ensure if we are registered to that session. Some of the participants are student from the University of Southeastern Philippines. The first exhibitor of the nexus group is the Jupiter Systems Inc. and the ERIC (Enterprise Resource Information and Control) DMS. The speaker of this company is Mr. Celmer Santos. He talk about a brief history of there company. Jupiter Systems Inc. (JSI) is a Philippine-based IT company dedicated to delivering business solutions for medium to large companies globally. JSI is one of the most experienced software houses in the Philippines and was one of the pioneers of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in the country. The company has been delivering business solutions for the past 25 years. This is a management for financial, personnel, distribution and manufacturing for auto dealerships. There unique HR functionalities for Hong Kong Airport Services (HAS).Extended employee master files containing accident/insurance information, reporting, recording of disability/injuries and specialized maintenance and tracking for leaves, loans, and other non-monetary benefits. This company provides solution for auto dealerships. After that, some of the participants of that event asked question regarding in there company and the services they offered.
After the ERIC DMS, we proceed to the next session which is HP invent Think Big, Go Thin: HP Thin Client. The speaker of this company is Mr. Leonard Zapa. Everybody we very excited because they where be giving tokens such as T-shirts, optical mouse and USB flash disks. The exhibitor introduce there newest product the Thin Client. For the word itself “thin” it is small object. Thin clients are computing devices that function as an access device on a network. These solid-state devices connect over a network to a server where the bulk of the processing takes place. Thin clients have no hard drive, allowing for more secure storage of data and applications on the server. In fact, keystrokes, mouse events and screen images are all that is sent between the client and server. This makes the device much more secure than a standard desktop or notebook computer. With no hard drive, fan or other moving parts, thin clients have a much longer lifespan than standard computers and use significantly less power. Lower maintenance costs are another benefit as software application updates, virus scanning and patches can be executed on the server. Deployment costs are also reduced as thin clients can be remotely configured and do not need to be set up individually. Break-fix simply requires replacing the thin client. Thin clients are ideal solution for today's healthcare, industrial, retail, financial and education industries offering a number of benefits to your business. The benefits of these are enhanced security, easier manageability, high reliability, increased energy efficiency and lower total cost of ownership. HP thin client can also be a desktop replacement costs, network security, data access to mobile or remote workers, supporting application software on diverse hardware, or ensuring your data remains accessible and secure. The first word comes in my mouth when I heard this device is “It’s amazing”. After that the most awaited part of all participant the question and answers portion. Most who got the correct answer is from the USEP and they get the tokensBoth of these companies are member of nexus group. Nexus maintains a strong network of IT solutions providers culled carefully from a genuine passion to provide solutions that offer genuine business advantage. The company has never been afraid to actively push new products. A local pioneer in solutions-based reselling, Nexus carried Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft back when they were new players in the server market. It approaches the business today with the same bravado. . Most of the exhibitor came from different parts of the Philippines gather in this spectacular event.
We finished the two consecutive sessions with the learning’s and concept about the two companies. Some of our classmate attended the last session but I and my other classmate go to the exhibit area to explore more advance technology. Being an Information Technology Student we must be updated to what is happening in terms of technology improvements. Through this event we experience the wonder of technology.
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