About Green Computing

Green computing, the study and practice
of efficient and eco-friendly computing resources, is now under the attention of not only environmental organizations, but also businesses from other industries. In recent years, companies in the computer industry have come to realize that going green is in their best interest, both in terms of public relations and reduced costs. http://thefutureofthings.com/articles/1003/green-computing.html


According to this site, the growing use of computers on campus has caused a dramatic increase in energy consumption, putting negative pressure on CU’s budget and the environment. Each year more and more computers are purchased and put to use, but it’s not just the number of computers that is driving energy consumption upward. The way that we use computers also adds to the increasing energy burden.
Research reveals that most personal desktop computers are not being used the majority of the time they are running and many personal computers nationwide are needlessly left on continuously. Every time we leave computers or lights on we waste electricity. Burning fossil fuels generates most of our electricity and it also emits pollutants, sulfur, and carbon dioxide into the air. These emissions can cause respiratory disease, smog, acid rain and global climate change. The most basic energy conservation strategies for any type of equipment are the following:
  • Turn off your computer and/or peripherals when they are not in use. Turning on and off will not harm the equipment.
  • Don’t run computers continuously unless they are in use continuously.
  • Turn off at night and on weekends
  • Look for ways to reduce the amount of time your computer is on without adversely affecting your productivity.
2.) http://www.beloit.edu/isr/greencomputing.php

According to this site, everyday energy is wasted by computers and monitors that are left on when not in use. By simply putting the hard drive and monitor to sleep after a short period of inactivity, huge energy savings can be realized. The computer should wake up with a quick click of the mouse or by pressing a key on the keyboard. In some cases, you will need to press the power button briefly to wake the computer up. Also, be sure to shut down your computer before leaving for the day and over weekends. Use this handy calculator to get an idea of how much energy and money can be saved.

3.) http://www.uoregon.edu/~recycle/Conservation_computing_text.htm

According to this site, in order to make sure the computer you buy is environmentally friendly, ask if the manufacturer has adopted these Silicon Principles, and ask about what steps have been taken to implement them. . The Silicon Principles include:
  • Efforts at reducing the use of toxic chemicals
  • the development of educational and safety programs
  • Cooperation with local communities
  • ensuring that workers aren't displaced by technological or economic shifts
  • Control of technological innovation by civil Can, not military, actors
  • equiring subcontractors and suppliers obey the same policies as large corporations, including international suppliers
  • establishing a life-cycle approach to all computer manufacturing (which means that the factory is responsible for ultimate disposal of the computer), to internalize costs and guarantee safe disposal
All these sites tell us the growing use of computers exploding around the world. The university can adopt this concept in many ways. First, turn off your computer when not being used, and only turn on printers and other peripherals when you need them. Buy Energy Star compliant equipment, and ask if the manufacturer follows the Silicon Valley Principles in dealing with toxic chemicals. Second, enhanced work environments such as campus computer lab space and office work space with reduced noise pollution and eye strain from traditional CRTs. Third, a reduction in all operating costs by reducing supplies such as toner, ink and paper. Fourth, upgrade the computer rather than throwing it away and buying a new one. Lastly, give your old computers to charity, or have a recycling service deal with your really archaic computers. Through this the university uses computers as a tool to protect the environment. But all this things start from our self to be more responsible in what we are doing if it is good or bad to the environment.


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HeLLo...just CaLL me jusip for short, 18 yrs of age 3rd Year sTudent Of USEP(Obrero Campus)
