On the scenario given the conversation between the systems professional, John Juan and a manager of a department targeted for a new information system, Peter Pedro. On the part of John Juan, he wants the way to go about the analysis is to first examine the old system, such as reviewing key documents and observing the workers perform their tasks. Then they can determine which aspects are working well and which should be preserved. In his part getting the requirements right – and getting the right requirements – can mean the difference between a successful project – one that satisfies the needs of its users and is delivered on-time and on-budget – and one that fails.

It should come as no surprise that effective requirements gathering involves much more than asking business users what they want and need. It is a complex process that involves users and system designers in a collaborative effort that explores both functional requirements and the new possibilities that technology offers.

On the part of Peter Pedro, he says that he would feel much more comfortable if we first started with a list of our requirements. They should spend some time up-front determining exactly what we want the system to do for my department. Then they systems people can come in and determine what portions to salvage if you wish. Just don’t constrain us to the old system. In his point of view, listing requirement would satisfies the need of the company and spend time on determining what system can help to the department. But for me, it is spend time to nothing and wasting of money.

With this scenario I will go to the part of John Juan because an effective requirements gathering process is perhaps the most critical driver of software project success. The analysis begins with a review of the categories of information process. With this System Requirements Analysis can be a challenging phase, because all of the major Customers and their interests are brought into the process of determining requirements. The quality of the final product is highly dependent on the effectiveness of the requirements identification process. Since the requirements form the basis for all future work on the project, from design and development to testing and documentation, it is of the utmost importance that the Project Team creates a complete and accurate representation of all requirements that the system must accommodate. Accurately identified requirements result from effective communication and collaboration among all members of the Project Team, and provide the best chance of creating a system that fully satisfies the needs of the Customers. The primary goal of this phase is to create a detailed Functional Specification defining the full set of system capabilities to be implemented, along with accompanying data and process models illustrating the information to be managed and the processes to be supported by the new system. The Functional Specification will evolve throughout this phase of the SDLC as detailed business requirements are captured, and as supporting process and data models are created, ensuring that the eventual solution provides the Customers with the functionality they need to meet their stated business objectives.

Functional requirements also help to obtain a successful project. It may be calculations, technical details, data manipulation and processing and other specific functionality that define what a system is supposed to accomplish. Behavioral requirements describing all the cases where the system uses the functional requirements are captured in use cases. Functional requirements are supported by non-functional requirements (also known as quality requirements), which impose constraints on the design or implementation (such as performance requirements, security, or reliability). How a system implements functional requirements is detailed in the system design. On the other hand a non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. This should be contrasted with functional requirements that define specific behavior or functions.
Some Run-time non-functional requirements arise from the operating environment, the user(s), and competitive products:

System Constraints. Here one is looking for elements of the environment into which the system must fit, that may serve as constraints on the system. This may be true of the installed infrastructure (e.g., hardware and OS platforms) or legacy applications, or may be in the form of organizational factors or the process that the system will support.

User Objectives, Values and Concerns. In establishing the run-time qualities for a system, it is important to identify all the categories of user (including other systems) that will interact with the system, and understand what quality attributes they care about. A quality attribute such as performance may surface for one user as a concern, and another as a value, so it is useful to direct elicitation of both values and concerns for any (group of) user(s). It is important to focus on creating just what users want, with the qualities they care about—low priority whiz-bang features or qualities only increase complexity for the development organization and/or for the user. The requirements team should nonetheless be alert to requirements that users take for granted or are not able to articulate directly. Understanding the users’ objectives and forces that impact their success and sense of utility, will help surface and establish the priorities of system qualities— as well as functionality, of course.

There a lot of method helpful on the system. In the purpose of this system requirements analysis, it provides a sound basis for a specification of the system architecture, an architecture that will both satisfy immediate requirements and will be scalable and expandable to accommodate future needs.

In the purpose of Defining a Process Model is to create a pictorial representation of the functions and operations (i.e.,the processes) that will eventually be performed by the system being developed. Define the Process Model may begin at any time after the Project Team has started collecting specific business requirements. The resulting Process Model of the system, also often referred to as the “To Be” model, illustrates the system processes as they are envisioned for the new system. Over time, this pictorial top-down representation of the major business processes will be decomposed into manageable functions and sub-functions until no further breakdown is possible. When combined with the detailed set of Business Requirements and the supporting Logical Data Model, this Process Model should completely address not only the full list of business needs to be satisfied by the new system, but also the vision for how the new system will provide and support this functionality.

Prototyping is a technique for providing a reduced functionality or a limited performance version of a software system early in its development (Balzer 1983, Budde 1984, Hekmatpour 1987). In contrast to the classic system life cycle, prototyping is an approach whereby more emphasis, activity, and processing are directed to the early stages of software development (requirements analysis and functional specification). In turn, prototyping can more directly accommodate early 10 user participation in determining, shaping, or evaluating emerging system functionality.
Therefore, these up-front concentrations of effort, together with the use of prototyping technologies, seeks to trade-off or otherwise reduce downstream software design activities and iterations, as well as simplify the software implementation effort. (see Rapid Prototyping)
Software prototypes come in different forms including throwaway prototypes, mock-ups, demonstration systems, quick-and-dirty prototypes, and incremental evolutionary prototypes
(Hekmatpour 1987). Increasing functionality and subsequent evolvability is what distinguishes the prototype forms on this list.

Prototyping technologies usually take some form of software functional specifications as their starting point or input, which in turn is simulated, analyzed, or directly executed. These technologies can allow developers to rapidly construct early or primitive versions of software systems that users can evaluate. User evaluations can then be incorporated as feedback to refine the emerging system specifications and designs. Further, depending on the prototyping technology, the complete working system can be developed through a continual revising/refining the input specifications. This has the advantage of always providing a working version of the emerging system, while redefining software design and testing activities to input specification refinement and execution. Alternatively, other prototyping approaches are best suited for developing throwaway or demonstration systems, or for building prototypes by reusing part/all of some existing software systems.

During the Determine Business Requirements process, a picture of the current business processes and practices will begin to evolve. This can be a useful tool in confirming that all current processes have been identified, and can be used by the Project Team as a means of ensuring that their Process Model has not neglected any existing functionality. There is a risk, however, that too much focus on current business processes may cause Customers to take a myopic view of the their true business needs, ultimately defining a system that provides little value over the system that is already in place. In summary, successful projects are inevitably built on a well-executed requirements gathering process in the system


Internet played a key role in keeping communication going, performing as an efficient and stable network for thousands of user using the internet. One of the websites specializing in Internet search is Google Inc. It is an American public corporation that generates profits from advertising bought on its similarly free-to-user e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking and video-sharing services. Advert-free versions are available via paid subscription. Google has more recently developed an open source web browser and a mobile phone operating system.

The company\'s stated mission from the outset was \"to organize the world\'s information and make it universally accessible and useful.\" Its unofficial slogan, coined by Gmail\'s first engineer, Paul Buchheit, was Don\'t be evil. Google has been criticized over issues of privacy of personal information, copyright and censorship.

Who are their competitors?
List of competitors in Google organic search are as follows:
• wikipedia.org
• yahoo.com
• about.com
• nextag.com
• AOL, Inc.

How have they used information technology to their advantage?

Google became successful precisely because we were better and faster at finding the right answer than other search engines at the time. But technology has come a long way since then, and the face of the web has changed. Recognizing that search is a problem that will never be solved, we continue to push the limits of existing technology to provide a fast, accurate and easy-to-use service that anyone seeking information can access, whether they\'re at a desk in Boston or on a phone in Bangkok. We\'ve also taken the lessons we\'ve learned from search to tackle even more challenges.

1. They have built chrome the worlds fastest browser. (windows compared with IE and all standard browsers such as opera, firefox and safari) .Whether we\'re designing a new Internet browser or a new tweak to the look of the homepage, we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you, rather than our own internal goal or bottom line.

2.They are creating a programming language \"GO\" which is supposed to compile like \'C\' and program like \'Java\'. With one of the world\'s largest research groups focused exclusively on solving search problems, we know what we do well, and how we could do it better. Through continued iteration on difficult problems, we\'ve been able to solve complex issues and provide continuous improvements to a service that already makes finding information a fast and seamless experience for millions of people. Our dedication to improving search helps us apply what we\'ve learned to new products, like Gmail and Google Maps. Our hope is to bring the power of search to previously unexplored areas, and to help people access and use even more of the ever-expanding information in their lives.

3. They are creating a transmission protocol called SPDY (speedy) that is supposed to make the internet twice as fast. (Which is their final goal.) Google ,by shaving excess bits and bytes from our pages and increasing the efficiency of our serving environment, we\'ve broken our own speed records many times over, so that the average response time on a search result is a fraction of a second. We keep speed in mind with each new product we release, whether it\'s a mobile application or Google Chrome, a browser designed to be fast enough for the modern web. And we continue to work on making it all go even faster.

4. They are creating Google wave. A new way email is looked at. Google set ourselves goals we know we can\'t reach yet, because we know that by stretching to meet them we can get further than we expected. Through innovation and iteration, we aim to take things that work well and improve upon them in unexpected ways. For example, when one of our engineers saw that search worked well for properly spelled words, he wondered about how it handled typos. That led him to create an intuitive and more helpful spell checker.

Even if you don\'t know exactly what you\'re looking for, finding an answer on the web is our problem, not yours. We try to anticipate needs not yet articulated by our global audience, and meet them with products and services that set new standards. When we launched Gmail, it had more storage space than any email service available. In retrospect offering that seems obvious – but that\'s because now we have new standards for email storage. Those are the kinds of changes we seek to make, and we\'re always looking for new places where we can make a difference. Ultimately, our constant dissatisfaction with the way things are becomes the driving force behind everything we do.

How competitive are they in the market?
Google is a business. Besides trying its best to satisfy its users it has to find ways of generating the most revenue. Google does this in a few different ways. The first one is the advertising which happens on the right side of the page when you search on Google, a program called AdWords.

Google controls more of the search market than all of its competitors combined. With that being said, Google has a ton of advertising space to sell. If you know how to optimize AdWords better than your competitors you stand to achieve great profit.

Businesses using Adwords can accomplish greater cost effectiveness with their marketing budgets for two reasons. Adwords only shows ads to people who are interested in the kind of information the advertisers are selling. There is no pop up advertising because that gets in the way of what the user is doing, they can’t see the content of what they have requested. So the simple ads on the right of the page are perfect. Secondly, advertisers get to choose how much they should pay Google when a user clicks on their ad, however there is a minimum fee. Since the ads are simply formatted the advertisers do not need to worry about production costs which also leads small advertisers to AdWords because it is so cost-effective.
What new services do they offer?

Google is holding a major demo event at the Computer History Museum today and unveiled a number of incredible new features. It was the kind of event that restores a person\'s faith in Google as a major innovator.

From voice search and translation, to location and visual search, here are the five most impressive technologies unveiled so far.The demos are all being done by Vic Gundotra, vice president of engineering for Google.

Near Instant Voice Translation
A new prototyped product allows not just search by voice, but near instant translation between English and Spanish in the cloud, via your mobile phone. Gundotrpha spoke a paragraph\'s worth of words into his phone and within seconds the phone recited a translated version back in Spanish. It was amazing. Google hopes to have support for all the world\'s major languages completed sometime in 2010.

Customized Suggest Based on Location
Google Suggest is a very smart, if under-appreciated, feature. The feature will soon make use of location information when searches are performed on mobile devices. Gundrotrpha demonstrated on one phone that believed it was in Boston and one that believed it was in San Francisco. Upon typing the letters \"RE\" the Boston phone suggested searches for Red Sox, the local baseball team. The San Francisco phone suggested a search for REI, the outdoor gear outfitter.
Google Product Search Combined With Inventory Feeds from Local Retailers
Local mobile product search will soon tell you where the nearest store with a product is and whether that product is in stock.

Near Me Now
Google.com on mobile, starting today on Android phones, will offer top-level search categories like restaurants or stores on the front page. Click that button and you\'ll see the closest-by search results ranked by user rating.

Google Goggles
Visual search. Take a photo, click a button and Google will analyze imagery and text in the photo for your search query. Pretty exciting. 1 billion images are included in the index today but Google says it has made the decision not to include facial recognition until privacy concerns are figured out.

What makes them so unique?

Today Google has moved from being simply a consumer-oriented search engine to offering a wide range of enterprise applications .The unique content is a main reason users would choose to visit your site instead of other sites. Unique, relevant content is considered one key to a good website. The more high-quality, unique content a website can provide, the better the user experience will be (and the longer a user may stay on your site to browse and, possibly, purchase).

Here are a few examples of \"unique\" content:
•Competitive prices and product content that can not be found elsewhere.
•Useful information that assists users in comparison shopping (note that false endorsement is not allowed, and ads for sites including this sort of content will be suspended immediately).
•Original and useful tools to help visitors make decisions, configure products, etc.
•Original user or expert product reviews (not scraped from other sites).

How competitive are they in the international market?

Even with the economic crisis, Google has a solid financial position. The assertion that Google has a lot to learn in its international efforts couldn\'t be more over-stated. Google has had success in the international environment, including greater market share than in the domestic market, that every Internet company would covet.

Google has had success with other products abroad, most notably its Orkut social network which has bombed domestically to its MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn brethren, yet has taken off in huge countries such as India and Brazil. So, sure, Google should be sensitive to cultural sensitivities and will face different regulatory environments abroad, but the truth is that Google has been remarkably successful internationally in large part due to the international word-of-mouth generated by their product and feature set.




AbOuT Me ;)

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HeLLo...just CaLL me jusip for short, 18 yrs of age 3rd Year sTudent Of USEP(Obrero Campus)
