Contrast and discuss the enrollment input form (PRF) with the enrollment university interface.
The image above is the Student Records Information Systems (SRIS) screenshot of the university from Joan Dandoy's post.
Looking the fields for PRF form and SRIS form they differ in content of data. This data Civil Status, Birthdate, Desired Career, Parents, Email and Contact Numbers can only be seen in SRIS form but not in PRF form. By these SRIS and PRF form must be consist. The reliability or uniformity of successive results of SRIS and PRF form should be consistent.A consistent approach to layout of the enrollment system allows the user can quickly understand and confidently predict the location of information controls across the enrollment system.
Also data should be Specific. To be specific means to use facts and details to make sure you are communicating clearly. First question, where part of the design cause the delay of the student, then on that part we may improved well or be specific so that the user can easily get it.

Looking the fields for PRF form and SRIS form they differ in content of data. This data Civil Status, Birthdate, Desired Career, Parents, Email and Contact Numbers can only be seen in SRIS form but not in PRF form. By these SRIS and PRF form must be consist. The reliability or uniformity of successive results of SRIS and PRF form should be consistent.A consistent approach to layout of the enrollment system allows the user can quickly understand and confidently predict the location of information controls across the enrollment system.
Also data should be Specific. To be specific means to use facts and details to make sure you are communicating clearly. First question, where part of the design cause the delay of the student, then on that part we may improved well or be specific so that the user can easily get it.
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