
The above diagram showed the enrollment process SY 2010-1010 of USEP.

Being a student in this university for at least four years, I have witnessed a lot of transformations in this university. When I enroll in this university many process I have to gone through. Some of it is repeating because we have to fill up information to our college and same also in the UGTO. It is not an organized and cause of delay to enroll a student. As time goes by, the university see this problem and propose a solution that would address to resolve it. They centralize the system that connects to all departments so that it will lessen the enrollment process.

Assuming I’m tapped by the university president to evaluate the new enrollment system implemented this semester, and enumerates my observations/comments and suggests possible areas and ways where improvements can be made in this university.

My evaluation to the new enrollment system implemented this semester are not so organized because of long line in the registrar and cashier and sometimes cause of delay of student to enroll on that day.

My observations/comments and suggests possible areas and ways where improvements can be made in this university.

• Clearance and Student Account: Student should facilitate their clearance and student account before enrollment so that it will not delay them and they will not also delay others.

• OSS (Scholars Only): Scholars should facilitate their scholarship before enrollment. Sometimes it may take days to them to validate their card cause of many process to undergo.

• Miscellaneous Fee: Sometimes, pay all the fees coming from different organization like Local Council fee, Obrero Campus Student Council fee and collegiate headlight fee cause of delay of the student. I more convenient to assigned each student to each department to collect fees.

• Advising: Before doing these, you should accomplish the two mentions above, before going to this process and also you should completed your grades. And then they will give you a PRF.

• Encoding: After fill-up your PRF you should give it to the assigned person to your department. But looking the PRF and the COR, it is not consistent to the data.
• Student Account (Scholars Only): From all the process, it is the easiest because they just see your name if you are a scholars and stamp your card.

• Cashier: It is longest line among all cause only 3 and sometimes 2 cashier are available to accommodates different colleges with lots number of student.

• Registrar: It is also one of the most numbers of students waiting in this area. It is more convenient to assigned different staff in each department to different window.

All in all enrollment process should illustrate in this university should be complete and brief. Complete in terms of there should be a Library in the diagram so that student will not forget to validate their library card. It should brief and the words are easy to understand.


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AbOuT Me ;)

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HeLLo...just CaLL me jusip for short, 18 yrs of age 3rd Year sTudent Of USEP(Obrero Campus)
