The model generally starts with a context diagram showing the system as a single process flowchart connected to external entities outside of the system boundary. This process explodes to a lower level DFD that divides the system into smaller parts and balances the flow of information between parent and child diagrams. Many diagram levels may be needed to express a complex system.
The Data Flow Diagram is an excellent communication tool for analysts to model processes and functional requirements. The analyst should be a critical thinker to use it effectively, it is a useful and easy to understand modeling tool. It has broad application and usability across most software development projects. It is easily integrated with data modeling, workflow modeling tools, and textual specs. Together with these, it provides analysts and developers with solid models and specs. Alone, however, it has limited usability. It is simple and easy to understand by users and can be easily extended and refined with further specification into a physical version for the design and development teams.
The purpose of data flow diagrams is to provide a semantic bridge between users and systems developers. The diagrams are:
•graphical, eliminating thousands of words;
•logical representations, modeling WHAT a system does, rather than physical models showing HOW it does it;
•hierarchical, showing systems at any level of detail; and
•jargonless, allowing user understanding and reviewing.
The goal of data flow diagramming is to have a commonly understood model of a system. The diagrams are the basis of structured systems analysis. Data flow diagrams are supported by other techniques of structured systems analysis such as data structure d iagrams, data dictionaries, and procedure-representing techniques such as decision tables, decision trees, and structured English.
Data flow diagrams have the objective of avoiding the cost of:
•user/developer misunderstanding of a system, resulting in a need to redo systems or in not using the system.
•having to start documentation from scratch when the physical system changes since the logical system, WHAT gets done, often remains the same when technology changes.
•systems inefficiencies because a system gets "computerized" before it gets "systematized".
•being unable to evaluate system project boundaries or degree of automation, resulting in a project of inappropriate scope.
Analyzing the Current Processes
Data flow analysis work is often difficult due to the sheer complexity of the processes involved. It is easy for the analyst to become overwhelmed. To prevent this, we use a two-step process to understand the situation:
•A focus on the physical data flows. This means observing the process as a savage would, with no focus on the logic behind, or information on, a particular piece of paper (or contained in a conversation or email).
•A focus on the conceptual data flows. This process can only begin after the physical data flow documentation is complete, since it analyzes the conceptual essentials behind the physical data flow.
The procedure for producing a data flow diagram is to:
1. identify and list external entities providing inputs/receiving outputs from system;
2. identify and list inputs from/outputs to external entities;
3. create a context diagram with system at center and external entities sending and receiving data flows;
4. identify the business functions included within the system boundary;
5. identify the data connections between business functions;
6. confirm through personal contact sent data is received and vice-versa;
7. trace and record what happens to each of the data flows entering the system (data movement, data storage, data transformation/processing)
8. attempt to connect any diagram segments into a roughdraft;
9. verify all data flows have a source and destination;
10. verify data coming out of a data store goes in;
11. redraw to simplify--ponder and question result;
12. review with "informed";
13. explode and repeat above steps as needed.
Context Diagram Guidelines
Firstly, draw and name a single process box that represents the entire system. Next, identify and add the external entities that communicate directly with the process box. Do this by considering origin and destination of the resource flows and data flows. Finally, add the resource flows and data flows to the diagram.
In drawing the context diagram you should only be concerned with the most important information flows. These will be concerned with issues such as: how orders are received and checked, with providing good customer service and with the paying of invoices. Remember that no business process diagram is the definitive solution - there is no absolute right or wrong.
General Diagram- The general data flow diagram of the system.
Now, there are more ways to communicate effectively. Students have a range of skills to express themselves not only through paper and pencil, but also audio, video, animation, design software as well as a host of new environments (e-mail, Web sites, message boards, blogs, streaming media, etc.).
Factors Facilitating Technology-Supported Education Change
• Authentic challenging tasks are best supported with flexible technology applications rather than with canned instructional programs.
• Having project-based, cooperative learning skills in place is important.
• Teachers need time to develop their own skills with technology.
• Easily available access to technical assistance is critical, especially in the early years.
• Schools need permission and support for innovations from the district, state, and federal levels.
• Using the technology tools of the professional community adds significance and cultural value to school tasks.
• Technology implementation provides a safe context for teachers to become learners again and to share their ideas about curriculum and method.
• Outside funding may be required to support the level of technical assistance and professional development opportunity needed to implement technology-supported education reform efforts.
1. Developing Plan
The first step in developing a technology plan is convening a planning committee or team to review the school-improvement plan already in place and research the district needs. In the case of USEP it is important to develop a plan in technology because technology continues to play an important role in modern industrial society, integrating technology into the schools will help prepare students to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
An effective team enlists educators but also takes advantage of the expertise of community members and the input of parents and students. Planning partners may include administrators, principals, teachers, district office representatives, parents, potential business partners, and a representative from the county office, regional agency, or department of education (Cradler, 1996). The specific organizational structures, committees, and membership may vary among schools that have integrated technology effectively, but the plan should be the result of input from educators and community members with knowledge, experience, and expectations of the role of technology in their school (Massachusetts Software Council, 1994). The support of key administrators and influential teachers is critical to the plan's implementation and success.
2. ICT Infrastructure Management
ICT Infrastructure Management processes recommend best practice for requirements analysis, planning, design, deployment and ongoing operations management and technical support of an ICT Infrastructure. ("ICT" is an acronym for "Information and Communication Technology".)
• ICT Design and Planning
From the word itself it defines the in designing and planning a specific process that fit to the organization. ICT Design and Planning provides a framework and approach for the Strategic and Technical Design and Planning of ICT infrastructures. It includes the necessary combination of business (and overall IS) strategy, with technical design and architecture.
• ICT Deployment
ICT Deployment provides a framework for the successful management of design, build, test and roll-out (deploy) projects within an overall ICT programme. It includes many project management disciplines in common with PRINCE2, but has a broader focus to include the necessary integration of Release Management and both functional and non functional testing.
• ICT Technical Support
ICT Technical Support is the specialist technical function for infrastructure within ICT. Primarily as a support to other processes, both in Infrastructure Management and Service Management.
3. RFID( as Student ID)
There is an especially effective technology that surrounds ID cards today and one that is slipping into greater use among companies and employers. This technology is called RFID, and the cards it powers are called ‘contactless smart cards.’
The technology behind the card is Radio frequency identification, or RFID. Wikipedia defines Radio-frequency identification (RFID)as an object (typically referred to as an RFID tag) applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader.
RFID is a broad term that encompasses the span of technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects and work with a microchip to store information. The most common way of storing information is to store a serial number that identifies a person, object, or information on a microchip. The microchip is attached to an antenna and imbedded between the layers of the card. Information can be written, erased, and rewritten, and is stored on the microchip and transmitted by the antenna.
Instead of inserting your card into a card acceptor or scanning it through, all you have to do is passing within range of the radio frequency acceptor and you are done. You usually have to be within a few inches of the machine for it to operate, but it still saves a ton of time and headache. The greatest benefit of this card is its inherent security. Forging a card like RFID is very difficult and it greatly minimizes security risks. RFID cards can be used by anyone, and are most effective in every environment from the very large to the very small. Therefore, using this object as a student ID it will have a substantial impact to the university because it makes the lives of the student and faculty easier.
In past few years, the importance of the information systems and technology has changed and the need to manage IS/IT strategically has increased. Many organizations are looking at IS/IT and are concerned about obtaining acceptable rate of returns from the investments. They are concerned about meeting the current and future business requirements. These concerns require effective planning and management in the changing business environment.
The use of Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) process can address the concerns related with the implementation of IS/IT systems and provide communication between the IS/IT and the business function.
Information has emerged as an agent of integration and the enabler of new competitiveness for today’s enterprise in the global marketplace. Looking fast forward, if I were hired and have been tasked to develop a strategic information systems plan for a company and the company officers have extended an invitation for me to meet with them to discuss the direction of the company. Before this meeting, they have asked that you provide a list of questions with some explanation about the "why" of the question so they can be prepared, thus maximizing the output from this meeting.
These are list of questions you would ask the officers of the company and give an explanation and justification for each question.
Is strategic planning changed sufficiently to support the new role of information systems and technology?
The task of strategic information systems planning is difficult and often time organizations do not know how to do it. Strategic information systems planning is a major change for organizations, from planning for information systems based on users’ demands to those based on business strategy. Information-based enterprises must be planned in an integrated way whereby all stages of the life cycle are engaged to bring about agility, quality, and productivity. This integration is similar in nature to the integration of product life cycle for an enterprise.
What is IS/IT Strategy?
This question examines the capabilities of the company on how to deal with the company’s goals in fulfilling its business. Clarke (2005) defines strategic information system (SIS) as “an information system which supports an organization in fulfilling its business goals”. According to Ward and Peppard (2002), SIS functions in ways that are similar to data processing and management information systems, however, it is the impact it causes on the business due to the continual changes the enable or cause that makes the difference. SIS help improve business competitiveness by changing the way business is conducted.
What are the competitive advantages of SISP?
In a company it is important to know the competitive advantage of Strategic Information Plan, to know the capabilities, competencies and resources of the company to provide a distinct attraction to the customers of the company.
What strategy model is used for developing a IS plan?
Model is very important in a company because it helps the company to know the sequence of their plan. This question examines the process of the company and how they help them in improving the status of the company.
What is the effect of the implementation of IS Plan on the business?
The implementation of IS plan does impact the business activities. There is a certain effect on the business processes and the overall business. Their views on the effects of the implementation of the systems on the business processes and the overall business will be compared if there are improving our not.
What types of implementation in the systems is use (in-house or outsourced)?
Company needs a system that will cater their needs. Implementing the system needs a specialize person who will develop and maintain the system. This time outsourcing and in- house come. Outsourcing is a contracting transaction through which one company purchases services from another while keeping ownership and ultimate responsibility for the underlying processes. It occurs when the staffs of the company has no enough knowledge in the system. While, in- house is opposite to outsource, it often involves bringing the specialists person in the company to fill temporary needs or training existing personnel to perform tasks.
A use case is initiated by a user with a particular goal in mind, and completes successfully when that goal is satisfied. It describes the sequence of interactions between actors and the system necessary to deliver the service that satisfies the goal.Generally, use case steps are written in an easy-to-understand structured narrative using the vocabulary of the domain.
Applicant – the aspiring person who wants to admit in the university.
UGTO In-charge – assists and evaluates applications of students and give them schedules and evaluates the result of the exam.
Cashier – collects payment
Examiner – any college faculty who conducts the exam
Interviewer- college faculty of the selected college who conducts the interview.
Clinic Staff– attending nurse or doctor in the clinic who does the medical check-up
Dean/Adviser – the college they want to enroll where students submit requirements if fully qualified to their collage.
Brief Description: