
These are the following definitions of personnel management human resource management and their authors and sources.

Human Resources Management

1.) Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers.

· Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.

2.) The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel policies. Note that some people distinguish a difference between between HRM (a major management activity) and HRD (Human Resource Development, a profession). Those people might include HRM in HRD, explaining that HRD includes the broader range of activities to develop personnel inside of organizations, including, eg, career development, training, organization development, etc.

There is a long-standing argument about where HR-related functions should be organized into large organizations, eg, "should HR be in the Organization Development department or the other way around?"

The HRM function and HRD profession have undergone tremendous change over the past 20-30 years. Many years ago, large organizations looked to the "Personnel Department," mostly to manage the paperwork around hiring and paying people. More recently, organizations consider the "HR Department" as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to manage people so that people and the organization are performing at maximum capability in a highly fulfilling manner.

Assembled by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD

· Establishing operation policies and procedures, requirements for employment, commendation and disciplinary procedures, and even something as simple as a dress code has to be compared with state and federal guidelines before the handbook is ready for release to the company at large. The HR staffs are ideal for drafting and reviewing the company handbook.

3.) Human resource management is all about management of a resource that we call human beings. Human is a resource which is playing a vital role round the world. It is about the human who are working round the world. People have different areas of their choice. They may work for their own and their families as well. People are facing a lot of problems too. These problems are accountable of many troubles round the planet. We may observe the miseries of people due to their mismanagement.

All around the world, people have troubles due to mismanagement of human resource. If they are serious to resolve the issues and give all of them their correct value then they would be able to do their proper management. Management is easy to do in social, financial and educational terms but it is difficult to manage human resource as people have their priorities and they want to live their life in their way. So, it is a tough task to manage human resources.

· Therefore, there should be someone concerned with the welfare and performance of persons who are a part of the operation. As with continuing educational programs, counseling is seen as another way that the company invests in the future relationship between the employee and the employer. A good HR manager understands this and will strive to make sure this sort of support is available.

4.) The area of human resource management becomes more complex and challenging with each passing year. Federal and state laws continue to change the nature of how an organization is permitted to manage its operations and employees. Effective and efficient management is a necessity if organizations are to achieve business goals. In this environment it is imperative that human resource practitioners stay informed of the latest interpretations of current laws and keep up-to-date with new management practices.

· With the fast changing technology, human resource management also becomes more complex because of its improving way in managing the employee. By understanding the needs of the company at each point in its growth, management can readily see to the addition to the Human Resources team over time.

5.) Human resource management is a balancing act. At one extreme, you hire only qualified people who are well suited to the firm's needs. At the other extreme, you train and develop employees to meet the firm's needs. Most expanding small businesses fall between the two extremities, they hire the best people they can find and afford, and they also recognize the need to train and develop both current and new employees as the firm grows.

· To ensure that there business will earn big amount and it will grow in sales, before hiring new employee they must undergo training to make them fully competent in the world of work.

Personnel Management

1.) Personnel Management is a part of management that is concerned with people and their relationships at work. Personnel management is the responsibility of all those who manage people, as well as a description of the work of specialists. Personnel managers advise on, formulate, and implement personnel policies such as recruitment, conditions of employment, performance appraisal, training, industrial relations, and health and safety. There are various models of personnel management, of which human resource management is the most recent.

· The function of a personnel manager usually begins with the staffing process. The manager may be focused on screening and interviewing applicants, with an eye to placing individuals with the right skill sets in the right position within the company.

2.) Personnel management can be defined as obtaining, using and maintaining a satisfied workforce. It is a significant part of management concerned with employees at work and with their relationship within the organization.

According to Flippo, “Personnel management is the planning, organizing, compensation, integration and maintainance of people for the purpose of contributing to organizational, individual and societal goals.”

According to Brech, “Personnel Management is that part which is primarily concerned with human resource of organization.”

Personnel management includes the function of employment, development and compensation- These functions are performed primarily by the personnel management in consultation with other departments.

3.)Within organizations that employ people, this is the function with policy responsibility for the selection and recruitment of staff, training, performance assessment, career development, disciplinary proceedings, pre-retirement advisory work, equal opportunities policies, pay bargaining, and industrial relations. In small organizations these functions may be combined with other management responsibilities; in large organizations a substantial separate department may be involved in setting policy, its implementation, and in keeping up to date with developments in labour law. In recent years the newer alternative term 'human resource management' has come into use, reflecting the increased importance of this function in labour-intensive service-sector industries.

· One aspect of company organization that needs the input of effective personnel management is the drafting of a company handbook. Establishing operation policies and procedures, requirements for employment, commendation and disciplinary procedures, and even something as simple as a dress code has to be compared with state and federal guidelines before the handbook is ready for release to the company at large. Personnel managers and the HR staff are ideal for drafting and reviewing the company handbook.

4.) When it comes to handling all the responsbilities associated with maintaining a workforce, personnel management has the most legal and financial responsibilities of the whole organization, without which the overall success of the business is at risk.
Principle Responsibilities

* Sourcing
* Recruitment
* Training
* Payroll
* Supervision
* Employment Issues
* Termination

* Personnel management lays emphasize on action rather than making lengthy schedules, plans, and work methods. The problems and grievances of people at work can be solved more effectively through rationale personnel policies.

5.) Personnel Management is responsible for recruiting and hiring qualified individuals to deliver city services, administering the pay classification plan to insure competitive wages. Through the personnel policies, Personnel Management administers guidelines for employee behavior, hiring & terminations, disciplinary actions; tuition reimbursement and employee leave including FMLA.

Personnel Management is also responsible for training in the following areas:

* Management & Supervisory Training
* Customer Service Training
* Policy & Procedure Training
* Sexual Harassment & Workplace Violence Training
* Departmental specific training

* Personnel management is an extension to general management. It is concerned with promoting and stimulating competent work force to make their fullest contribution to the concern. It also motivates the employees through its effective incentive plans so that the employees provide fullest co-operation.


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